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Just because we live in a city where space is at a premium, does not mean that you need to be without a lush and beautiful garden


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255 West 95 St, Suite 6C

New York, NY 10025

References will be provided upon request

Welcome to Londono Gardens Landscape & Tree Care. Contact me to schedule a garden consultation. The point of a consultation is to assess the area that needs work. During the visit, you will let me know what your intent is. What do you want to do? What type of sun do you get? Do you get full sun, morning sun, and afternoon shade, or shade all day? Do you want to be hands-on, or are you too busy to take care of a garden? Maybe a low-maintenance garden is best for you. Who will water the garden? Continuous and effective irrigation is important in maintaining the beauty of your new garden. Together we will decide what type of plants and trees will work best in your garden. Other things to think about are fertilizer, soil amending, lighting, sitting area, and outdoor entertainment. After a garden has been planted and work completed; schedule a weekly maintenance visit to clean up, fertilize and check the irrigation on the garden. Just because we live in a city where space is at a premium, does not mean that you need to be without a lush and beautiful garden.

Continuous drip irrigation is the best way to water a garden. Water is not being wasted, you are targeting the plants where they need it, the roots. The above left image is on drip irrigation, and so it the balcony on the lower floor. The owners of this garden never need to think about watering, even when they are on vacation.